Stormcellar On RAGE!! This morning at 4am!!
Woot! RAGE on ABC TV played our second video clip, Whiskey Talkin' Last Night! Or was it this morning? Hmm 4:00amTHE SATELLITE NATION Last Time (Independent)STORMCELLAR Whiskey Talkin' (Independent) HONEST JOHN Two Sides (Independent) THE McCLYMONTS Favourite Boyfriend Of The Year (Universal) KATIE NOONAN Blackbird (SBME) LULUC Little Suitcase (Independent) TIM FINN Out Of This World (EMI) WINTERPARK Wall Kids (MGM) If Ya Missed it, here's the Youtube Version! WOOT!!! I know I have thanked the people involved before, but its worth doing again. Holly, Rhys, Dion + Mal for his Personal taste in furnishings! MJEB