Hurrah! Our First Official Tour to Melbourne! Hmm...Ok, lets try that again...Our First Official Tour NEAR Melbourne! Stormcellar are bringing the bad weather down south.
Check here for updates Cries For Help if the Car Breaks Down!!
update 1 - 19/10/08 (yes I know we havent left yet, but there's an upate)
Flew in from FNQ the night before, same temperature as Sydney in the Winter now. Global Warming anyone?
We played the Merton Estate last night - another favourite haunt for local music. One of those pubs whose proximity to a main road is lessened by the fact that everything around it is a rats nest of 'No Through Road' signs - but - they lie! Yes, some of those NTR signs dont mention the leeetle eety beety laneways that snake between the streets off Victoria road. HA!