White Fire


She said
(angry lines encased)
all the while she's screaming
'not the face'.

Trying hard,

complete the work of years in days,

born to love, who cannot?

In reply,

the broken skin

the long bright wire

a million explanations

and no one reason



Don't let it burn
Don't let sting

To feel the white fire

on your skin

and when you touch

don't let it hurt

let it be gentle.


Don't let it burn
Don't let sting

To feel the white fire

on your skin

and when we touch

you'll let me in

and i will be be gentle


She said
(she said)
Angry lines encased,
hard to trust these instincts
not my own.

Trying hard
repeat the work of years in days.

Born to love who cannot in reply.

(this time, this time, not this time)

The broken skin

the long bright wire,

a million explanations,

no one reason why.

(don't want to hear about a thing) 


Don't let it burn
Don't let sting

To feel the white fire

on your skin

and when you touch

don't let it hurt

let it be gentle


Don't let it burn
Don't let sting

To feel the white fire

on your skin

and when you touch

you'll let me in

and i will be be gentle


(c) Barry/Stormcellar 2022

let it be gentle