Hard Times


Tell me the company's closing

that's what they say

there's been some money explosion

but not in my pay


words from the running man

speaks of a promised land

seem they don't understand

difference between their God and Man


When they tell you the things they believe in

take a look at the company their keeping


they'll take you to the hard times

take you to the hard times


Tell me they traded my future

for a better yesterday

their service keeps me a pauper

to stay in my place

'til I wake to the freedoms I'm losing

feel the vice of the future i'm choosing

take a breath as you rise from your seat

join the mob forming down in the street

grab your torch to help light the way

all the monsters are on parade


take you to the hard times

they'll take you to the hard times


(c) 2011-12 Michael JE Barry/ Paul A Read