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The G-Man has given me the raw wav files to have a listen to. The next step was splitting the long sequences into takes and listening to them to find the best ones.

The recordings from the first day (tuesday) weren't saved, so that only leaves recordings from Wed/Thurs and Friday. Shouldn't be too many? Right?

55 takes. 55 takes in three days. Yikes.

IMHO everything except Snowy's song and the acoustic version of Same Old Blues are OK. Snowy sounds like the vocals are pushing too hard (too high for my register), so not sure what to do about that. Same Old Blues will be better electric than acoustic, but it was worth a shot.

The stand out recordings for me so far are Rest My Bones and The Way She Smiles. You can hear the rain falling during Rest My Bones - it's eerie. So now we have to have to obligatory discussion about which takes are the takes.

Over the next few weeks we'll be adding any overdubs and harmonies, then who knows what we'll do with it. As a (truly) independent outfit, no one is hollering at us to finish the project and we've already released 1 album this year. How keen can ya get?

Hmm....I think we're still planning on starting the next album this year anyway. Ok. It's official. We're keen.