This instrumental thing is taking some time. Learning curve. Practise curve.

Like a community college pottery course, some early works may be a little lopsided.

It’s been fun though and I have many nice things to say about it, which I will save until the marketing department needs some copy.

While searching through the back catalogue for instrumentals and unreleased stuff I took the opportunity to go through the guide tracks directory and pulled some stuff out.

Adding that to the existing greenhouses, Greenhouse 1 from Jan 2022 which yielded Basilisk, and Greenhouse 2 from Jan 2024 that has yielded some singles, we had a few sessions of reviewing it and consolidating it into Greenhouse 3 – Divergent Sandbox.

Rather than shy away from the variations in styles, we’re simply letting them build up and then they can go to one of a few different projects, which we defined by album concept names:

  • Untitled Sturmkeller album
  • ‘Weather on other planets’
  • ‘juggernaut’
  • ‘An album named Bob’
  • ‘bucket of blues’
  • ‘café mikey’

Which of these gets finished is…to be discovered. They’re landmarks of thought rather than plans 😊

On very much the plus side though, we’re back at it. A little organization seems to be just the ticket.

No new guides to share yet for our Patreons, but getting close. There’s no hurry but it’s always nice to get a good vibe from the now.