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Greetz Peeples

This past few weeks without gigs has been a very strange time for us. It's one of the first sustained non gigging periods of the last 5 years... How it came about is a long story involving a cruise liner and some other random stuff, but enough of that, it's important to note that we have not been inactive, we've been doing stuff.

Aha! You Say, what stuff?

Well, we've been working on videos for the album for one thing, plus organising the recording of a new song. yep, we've decided to do a single, for the sheer heck of it. I'll fill you in on the details in due course.

This morning we filmed a proof-of-concept mockup for a clip for Black Crow, it went swimmingly, huge thanks to NR for her work, I'd say more but I'd have to do a spoiler alert. It'll take a while but it ought to be worth it.

Speaking of swimming, we braved the deluge this afternoon to go out and film some material for another video clip, this time for Texas Rosie.

Thanks to Sambo for the location suggestion and a thanks to the two blokes who didn't mind us using their Paddock for some filming.

For the shoot, we had to find a Dry bit  for the boys to stand and I spent some time working out where to position the camera only to realise that the best spot was...moderately underwater. it's times like these that you wish you were wearing gumboots.

As your be-sneakered foot sinks into the water, you might be inclined to curse somewhat. ok, perhaps you wouldn't. I did. I cursed. I made faces, I squelched and kept the camera rolling. Fortunately every now and again I could take a break and my feet began to dry out...only to find that we needed one more shot and I'd have to go back and step in the...yep, you guessed it. Long story short; I have two very wrinkly feet but some great footage.

Whilst I was filming the video stuff, Rosie snapped some awesome pictures of the remnants of the thunderstorm on the plains.

Stormcellar weather indeed..

Nice shots Rosie.

New videos soon.