Paying off videoclip debts!
What a great location, you'd hardly believe we were in Sydney. Cheers to Gail for letting us film in her house.
The rain had thundered down and soaked the area, leading to rushing waters filling the creeks outside the house.
Dion and Alan were on the SC3-EP1 mission to Mangrove Mountain. Its great to see them in action and creating new material. They'll be joined by Keith tomorrow for yet more filming. Today was my turn to help, which was made immensely rewarding by the location and the chance to watch serious craftspeople at work.
Today was all about helping Ian Pettit introduce a DVD on the Lymph system and the exercises he's developed to improve circulation
Dion at the foot of the World Largest Tripod.
Ian, Dion, Alan, Alex and Gemara.
I owe these guys a debt of gratitude for their willingness to create with us both at gigs and in clips. Coming along for such a positive day was well worth it and leads me to suspect that the next material we produce will be equally fun to work on.