The Old Masters Young Apprentice....strong is he in the ways of the Schwarz!!!
There's little better way to spend a monday public holiday than in continuing work on SC2.
The row of Blanks is the percussion section...that starts tomorrow. Even though the Green ink is a little invisible, that matrix is almost complete, so we are about to start mixing...sort of...shortly...soon....i hope.
Today started in the afternoon with Rosie laying down solo stuff, and then all of us chiming in with 'helpful' suggestions (more on that in a minute). It was also time to add the harp stuff to the track but of course, my usual duties remain:
COFFEE. Mrose says thats why I don't stand still long enough for him to take a picture.
I present the following evidence. Me holding up a damn phone camera for twenty minutes while they workd on the solo for Smiles Not for Me.
Ok, before watching, let me summarise: if you have ever wondered what Muso's actually do, this is it. This is a 20 minute uncut real time section of making this album, complete with argument, ideas, discussion and the occasional Curse Word (mostly Ok for work). might bore the pants off you, or you might find a discussion over why one chord rather than another should be used is of interest.
EDIT : Posted this a week ago but Youtube wont let me display a video that long and my video software cant cut the phone cam file without losing the sound...argh...will post file as soon as I can figure out how to reencode successfully.
We have percussion day tomorrow and as I am the only one who knows the recipe for the coffee, I imagine I will be there and vicariously, so will you, dear reader., in the next update!
Until next time.
(EDIT - POSTED this a week ago but the link wont work and the