Front room session 9&10 - Harp and vocals
I hate getting my picture taken, even when I am doing it. Watchoo talkin' bout Jim?
Recording sessions for the harp and vocals got started over the last two weeks, read on for more on the first two vox and harp sessions.
Whilst the rhythm and guitar sections recover from their parts, it was time to lay down harp and vocals.
When we say we're sweating it out in the front room, we mean it. Thats not soft focus lens-ing, thats steam.
The digital recording process is a lot more stop-start that the analogue methods (see Spacejunk reports for our current adventures). Lord knows I have been digital recording voice stuff for many moons, but seems the more space we have , the less takes we do. Go figure. We just drop in on minute sections and fix our humble stuff-ups.
Mind you, the perils of the temptation to mix, adjust and edit and add effects on-the-fly (JIM!!!) may mean the stop-start is more stop than start.
Some recording, much listening and button pushing. Ho hum.
This time, my harp mikes are back in service. Hurrah! Thanks to Gray Read (at the Vintage Record in Annandale) for getting my bullets back in action.
So here's the thing. Once you have laid down a good take and edited the crappy bits out, you may have some time on your hands.
We all know that Idle Hands are the devils tools.
While Jim was busy twiddling the dials and running playback, I had little choice but to amuse myself.
It gets worse.
And so on.
Ye gods.
Back in the studio on SC2 this week, along with more work on SC3.