Housekeeping - SC2 recording session 6
In this hi tech age of digital recording, how do you manage your Album Making Paperwork? Excel (well, yes for me anyway), Google Calendar (ok...yes...theres a secret band calendar..) but most important of all, a piece of Cardboard to write all the stuff down on. Recording Session #6 was HouseKeeping Day - fixing a few bits, reviewing where we were at with all this stuff.
The Control Cardboard
Roscoe watches on in Amusement as Paul fills in The Control board.
To quote Paul 'Welcome to the Exciting World Of Stereo Recording'.
Jim tapping his feet whilst checking through Dont Get Around Much.
For those of you interested in the current schedule for SC2, Jim is predicting completion to pre mix by March. Allowing for art, mastering, pressing and general hilarity, I would be happy to see SC2 released by July, but who knows.
Coming up with a name for it other than SC2 is annoying, as we all like SC2. The only problem is, its tres wanky, having been adopted by everyone of late. Argh.
Ah. Yes, the finished control board:
Now of course, time may shift in uncertain quantum ways as we discover that we need...
He has no idea why this amuses me. If you dont either, here's a link:
Next session this weekend!