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Greetz Folks.

I was just luxuriating in a rare day off and thought i might blog. then I remembered I have work still to do.



We're on the road to Newcastle tomorrow, then Port Mac then Yamba, then DC's outta here next week, back to the US.

It's been a pretty busy time. We've covered more Australian territory in a few weeks than we normally do in 6 months. I've blown out 5 harps. 5. Far out.

Band's sounding tight. DC has been training us all and it's led to unexpected side benefits for yours truly here and some degree of amusement also. I'm lucky, as a fill and lead instrument, I don't have any of the heavy lifting that Bill and Theo do. They have to get it right, all the time. Heh.

Meanwhile I can kite about, making noises until I get the dreaded Evil Eye or the 'Shush' symbol (hand out, palm down, lower hand slightly). However, once we have been sufficiently trained we can anticipate these things. DC didnt even call the stops on Saturday night and they were there. tight, bang on the money dead stop. Nice.

Jo's going to miss the last few shows (bummer also) as the Kids have started to run riot in her absence and she's decided to round up the Wild Things. We'll miss her for the last few shows and I'll miss doing that CSNY number. Still, the rule is, we get her when she can make it :-)

Meanwhile I have vehicles to rent, gear to sort out, harps to replace and stuff to do. Whose idea was this anyway?

More videoblogs to follow BTW. I'm still editing. Stay tuned.