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Howdy Folks.

We have two recent recordings that are pending mastering and release, Twice Shy Girl and Travelling Song. We have 4 more songs ready to record and we're looking at the options for recording them.

At last check, we have a mind to back into a studio and do 3 songs in 2 days and 1 day for a mix. Practical, simple, reasonable. Then find a different way to record the next one.

Of course, such obvious ease is an anathema to me. Why do it the easy way?

Well,  there's the expense of studio time, but cost isn't entirely the deciding factor. Not that I can tell you what the deciding factor is, it's generally a sense of wellbeing that comes upon me when things are in order. Spidey Sense, for want of a better term.

I prefer to think that I am tuning into some underlying cosmic carrier wave of Rightness - or - my subconscious brain is way ahead of me and lets me know when ive chosen appropriately by filling my head with happy neurotransmitters.


Then again, perhaps I am drinking too much Black Tea (that stuff will get you riled up!)

Leaving aside such metaphysical concerns, the whole idea of the Curious Assembly was to try Different things, not Easy or Logical things. 

Mind you, we've tried most of the ways of recording so far and there aren't too many more avenues of useful distinction.

To recap for new visitors (hi there)

Curious Asssembly Singles So Far:

Sweet Adeline - Analogue 2 inch, multitracked, recorded in layers (house of hits)

Onward Traveller - on a frickin ipad with an external mic, mono, live, acoustic. (in my backyard)

Dirty Work - Layered, Multitrack, Digital (Goose Studios)

Travelling Song - Live, layered, multitracked, digital (protools) (At Linear Studios)

Twice Shy Girl - Live, Multitracked, Digital (Damien Gerard Studios)

Most of those songs were with us before we went to the US on tour and, as hoped, we've come back from the tour with new songs. Yay!
Low Low is a very grindy blues rock thing, Downward Bound is a trad Backsliders/Sydney Blues meets Megadeth, Give Me Something I want is classic Aussie Pub Rock that would make that bloke from the Cherry Bar Happy (he argues that Aussie Pub Rock is the defining Australian sound and methinks him correct) and the last one Queen Above The Ocean is a bit of colonial Folk just cos we do that sort of thing when no one's looking.
We figured we could get the first three done together as they're all the same kind of vibe, but QATO is a different vibe and should get some special handling, which led to the idea of using a studio (so traditional)
But that goes against the grain of the Curious Assembly. Or does it?
For once, following the 'standard' path would in itself, be novel. Amusing, ne ce pas?
Ah. But John Mc made the suggestion to try a live recording straight to two track, or a live recording in a hall, much like we did for Spacejunk. So although we've done that before, we haven't done it for this project.
I think it's time for some live recording at a gig. We've never recorded anything at a live show with the specific objective of releasing it.
Right. there you have it.  The obvious next thing to try. I'm glad we had this talk :-)